Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Clouds - Bulbophyllum Remiferum EP

It would be a total generalization to say that all producers are nerdy, but lets face it, the technology used in production these days takes a certain amount of skill to understand, master and implement to make actually good music. So when Scotland's Liam Robertson and Calum Macleod aka Clouds (who released this banger late last year called their latest EP "Bulbophyllum Remiferum" you can't be that shocked that the boys turned to the scientific classification of a type of orchid to give it a name. But since I'm cheesy, I would have totally run with that theme in naming the tracks. Oh well. I guess they kind of continued the nerdy trend as HE 1523-0901 refers to a red star in the Milky Way. Go figure.

Terrorcore is probably my favorite of the 3 tracks. "My money my money my money my money my money my money my money"...I mean, I could sing this all day!
Out now on Tiga's Turbo Recordings offshoot Twin Turbo.

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