I'm always late to the dance music party, and so my introduction to the UK's Chemical Brothers came late in life. I remember walking into a boutique in Montreal called Juan & Juanita (they had some of the best clothes in the city) in 1999 and blaring on the speakers was "Hey Boy Hey Girl." I asked the sales girl what was playing, and she handed me a copy of The Chemical Brother's album Surrender. Of course I had heard of the name "Chemical Brothers" but probably could not name a single track before that time. The track is definitely in my top 10 best electronic tracks of all time. So so good!
Fast forward to close to a decade later, and Germany's Alex Ridha releases the groundbreaking Oi Oi Oi under the moniker of Boyz Noize. Chalked full of electro beats, the album made quite a mark on the electronic scene's landscape. Since, Ridha has collaborated with heavyweights like Mr. Oizo and everyone's favorite dubstep brostep poster boy Skrillex (known together as Dog Blood). He also released his sophomore album Power, which included the gem Jeffer, and late last year released Out of the Black. That album contained the track XTC, and has now been remixed by Tom & Ed Chemical. Its almost as if the duo has returned the remix favour, as Ridha remixed their track Swoon in 2010.
Taking you back to the days of warehouse raves!
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